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Where is Liquidia's corporate headquarters?
Liquidia’s corporate headquarters are located at 419 Davis Drive, Suite 100, Morrisville, NC 27560.
When was Liquidia founded?
Liquidia was founded in June 2004.
Where is Liquidia incorporated?
Liquidia is incorporated in Delaware.
Where is Liquidia common stock listed and what is the ticker symbol?
Liquidia’s common stock is listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “LQDA”.
When did Liquidia become a public company?
Liquidia’s initial public offering closed in July 2018.
How can I purchase shares of Liquidia common stock?
Shares of Liquidia common stock can be purchased through a stockbroker of your choice.
Does Liquidia offer a direct stock purchase plan?
Liquidia does not offer a direct stock purchase plan at this time.
Who is Liquidia's independent registered public accounting firm?
Liquidia’s independent registered public accounting firm is PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Who is Liquidia's transfer agent and registrar and how do I contact them?
Liquidia’s transfer agent and registrar is Computershare Trust Company, N.A. (“Computershare”). Computershare can be reached using the information below.
By investor center website:
By email:
By mail:
Computershare Investor Services
P.O. Box 43006
Providence RI 02940-3006
By overnight delivery:
Computershare Investor Services
150 Royall St., Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021
By phone:
(877) 373-6374 or (781) 575-2879
How can I replace my lost stock certificates?
If you have misplaced your stock certificates, please contact Liquidia’s transfer agent, Computershare. There may be a fee involved for replacing lost stock certificates.
How do I report a change of mailing address?
To report a change of mailing address, please contact Liquidia’s transfer agent, Computershare. You can typically change your mailing address through using your user ID and password. You may also call or write Computershare to request an address change.
How can I obtain historical and other financial documents for Liquidia?
You can visit the SEC Filings section of Liquidia’s investor relations website. Additionally, all of Liquidia’s U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings can also be accessed directly from the SEC’s website at
Who should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
For investor inquiries, please contact Liquidia’s Investor Relations group at
How can I sign up to receive Liquidia's press releases and other company information?
To receive Liquidia’s press releases and other company information, please sign up here for email alerts to receive notification of announcements and upcoming events.